We are looking for some wise men and women to journey from afar and join us in celebrating the WX3MAS Christmas City Special Event. Some will be operating from our club station in Nazareth, PA and sharing Season’s Greetings with Amateurs near and far. We are extending the length of the event this year from Thursday through Sunday, December 8 – 11, to promote this special event.
If you are a member of the DLARC you may operate the event from home! To avoid conflicts, we need to schedule remote operators for the date(s), time(s), band, and mode you chose to operate. Please keep a log of your contacts in electronic form, if possible. Contact David / N3EYT to reserve your operating date, time, and mode.
We will try to cover operations on the 20, 40- and 80-meter bands with some mix of SSB, CW, PSK31 and FT8. Our published phone frequencies are: 3.850 MHz, 7.270 MHz, and 14.265 MHz.
Watch for operating announcements on the club website, via email, or the club reflector. Official operating times will be 9 am to 5 pm ET each day but feel free to extend the time if conditions permit. Look for us in the December issue of QST magazine.
For more information, contact David/N3EYT at N3EYT@ARRL.NET